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Various Blessings

1. The 'Shehecheyanu' Blessing. 
"Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the Universe, Who has granted us life and sustained us, and let us to arrive at this time.

Ink on round-cutted calfskin parchment.

Shehekheyanu Blessing Hebrew Calligraphy Avraham Borshevsky.jpg.jpg

2. "Blessed Who made me a woman"

Ink and gold on calfskin parchment.

Isha Blessing Hebrew Calligraphy Avraham Borshevsky..jpg

3. The "Asher Yatzar" Blessing, to thank God for good health.

Ink on paper.

Asher Yatsar Blessing Hebrew Calligraphy Avraham Borshevsky.jpg
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